Bow, Kuo-Shiang (Calvin B), Founder of An-chung Law Firm
Civil Liabilities of Manipulators in the Securities Exchange Market
( Master Thesis, 1990 )
(Guidelines for infrastructure Development through Build-Operate-Transfer
(BOT) Projects ,聯合國工業發展組織UNIDO)中譯本(行政院經建會
“Guidelines for Infrastructure Development in Build-Operate-Transfer( BOT )
Projects” (published by United Nation Industrial Development Organization, UNIDO)(translation)
Analysis of Manipulation in Securities Market from a Perspective of
Civil Law (Journal of Securities and Futures Commission, 1991)
◎Draft Law on Infrastructure Projects - Taiwan(ASIALAW 55 DECEMBER
1997 / JANUARY 1998
The Impacts of ROC Administrative Laws Renovation on Tax , Levy
Regulations ( Taiwan Law Journal, Vol.2, 1999)
An Exploration on the Governing Scope of Administrative Procedure Law-
From the Perspectives of Administrative Action and Administrative
Procedure ( Taipei Bar Journal, Vol.4, 2000)
A Study on the Governing Scope of the Administrative Procedure Law - the
Cumulative Effects of the Regulations of Administrative Information
Disclosure and Administrative Remedial Procedure ( Judicial Weekly,
Vol. 956, Nov. 24, 1999)
Prevention and Remedy of an Invalid Administrative Order ( Taipei Bar
Journal, Aug. 2001 )
◎行政程序法有關公法上請求權消滅時效規定之探討 ( 律師雜誌283期)
Exploration of Extinctive Prescription of Claim Right in Public Law under
Administrative Procedure Law (Taipei Bar Journal, vol.283)
An Analysis on the Regulations concerning Telecommunication –A
Discussion on Different Models for regulating Different Medias.
(Taipei Bar Journal, vol. 285)
The Role Government Shall Play for Pursuing a Successful BOT Case-
(translation)(Modern Construction Monthly, Vol. 279, 280, Mar., Apr. 2003)
The Remedy Procedure for Suppliers Who Have Been Listed and
Published on Government Procurement Gazette (Blacklist) (Military Law
Journal, Vol.49(8), Aug. 2003)
A Legal Risk Evaluation in Trade Contracts (Economic News, ed. 8,
Nov. 26, 2003)
Legal Issues concerning Operation of a Gas Station (Law Monthly,
Vol.56 (12), 2005. Dec)
Legal Issues concerning the Value-Added Service Provided by a Gas Station
(Taipei Bar Journal, May 2006)
Legal Issues concerning Development of Wind Energy in Taiwan
(Energy Monthly, Jun. 2006)
Advises to Gas Stations about How to Deal with Shortages of Oil
(Energy Monthly, Jul. 2006)
◎再生能源業者vs. 法律顧問(2006年8月,能源報導)
A Legal Consultant vs. A Renewable Energy Business (Energy Monthly,
Aug. 2006)
Exploration on Renewable Energy Regulations in ROC ( Energy Quarterly,
Vol. 36(3), Jul. 2006.)
Duty of Government to Preclude Obstacles for Renewable Energy Business
within Financial Framework (Energy Monthly, 2006)
Legal Strategies of Reducing Operation Costs for Wind Energy Business
(announced in the second annual -meeting of Taiwan Wind Association, 2007)
Legal Issues concerning the utilization of Renewable Energy by Citizens
( Taiwan Bar Journal, Dec. 2008 )
Guidelines for Renewable Energy Development Act ( Energy Report,
Jul. 2009)
Remedial Measures of Government Procurement and Development
Strategies of Wind Energy (Energy Report, Jul. 2011)
Exploration on Energy Security and National Security (Energy Report,
Nov. 2011)
Strategies for Developing Energy Industries in Taiwan under WTO
Agreements -from a Perspective of Off-Shore Wind Turbine Subsidy
Project (announced in a seminar held by Taiwan Wind Association and
NCTU, Dec. 2012 )